sabato 23 gennaio 2010


5 commenti:

myonlyphoto ha detto...

Wow this is excellent capture, thanks for sharing. Anna :)

SAPhotographs (Joan) ha detto...

Is this just a decoration on a wall Andea, or is it part of something else?

Andrea ha detto...

This is part of the structure of a middleage house.The people used to build a wooden frame and to fill the free spaces with light concrete.Of course this was a rich house,so the frame was decorative too.

Imperfezioni Digitali ha detto...

e io che pensavo fosse un nuovo emoticon...

bella, di quelle che piacciono a me

SAPhotographs (Joan) ha detto...

Thanks for the great information Andrea. It is beautiful wood, but then I like most kinds of wood. It is always so warm and no matter what it is made into, it always looks great.